Reseller documentation
We are a reseller how can we interact with the Portknox API
As a reseller you are able to start Portknox cloud installations on your own. Your landing page or order process page needs to send an email to our system. The email address from which your system are sending needs to be activated, if you haven't received any additional informations please contact us.
The email body should look like this:
PK-salutation: Herr PK-firstname: Trial-firstname PK-lastname: Trial-lastname PK-pk_username: <customers cloud id> PK-company: Trial-company PK-address1: Trial-address1 PK-address2: Trial-address2 PK-zip: 81667 PK-city: Trial-City PK-country: Deutschland PK-email: <customers email adress> PK-reseller: None PK-language: de PK-line_item_title: ownAdmin Single - Ohne Datenbackup / 15 GB inklusive PK-line_item_price: 2900 PK-line_item_sku: PK0007
The fields in bold need to be changed. Add your reseller id to the "PK-reseller" field to get your order tracked.
The subject needs to be "Neue Bestellung [ - Trialuser".