Upgrade to Nextcloud Hub 7 (Version 28) - Done

We are planning the last Nextcloud update this year. Follow the status here

Noteable new Features

There is a very extensive blog post with many videos at nextcloud.com.

Notes for the Update


Upgrade process

  • Activation of the test drive function. Interested customer can test Nextcloud 28. (Done)
  • Adjustment of the autoinstallation. (Done)
  • New customers get Nextcloud Hub 6 installed (Done)
  • Update all customer clouds to the latest Nextcloud 27 Version (Done)
  • Eat your own Dogfood. Update our own cloud (Done)
  • Test migration of existing customers (Done)
  • Create information page for customers about Nextcloud update (Done)
  • Migrate all existing customers / send information email before upgrade (Done)

(The todos are sorted by priority. Successfully completed tasks are marked with (Done))