Fingerprint *.portknox SSL certificate
To rule out a man-in-the-middle attack and to ensure that the installed SSL certificate was actually created by us, we publish the corresponding hash here.
The current certificate has this fingerprint (SHA-256):
- Fingerprint: AA:DA:3A:36:87:5B:F9:23:37:EE:CB:87:F0:3A:D9:37:F9:49:79:E3:ED:C1:34:EF:99:F0:1D:6D:AA:52:9B:21
- Valid from: Fri, 02 Aug 2024 13:11:38 GMT - Thu, 31 Oct 2024 13:11:37 GMT
Depending on the browser, the hash can be found here:
- Chrome: Click on the lock symbol -> "Certificate" -> "Details".
- Firefox: Click on the lock icon -> "Secure connection" -> "More information" -> "Show security details".
- Edge: Click on the lock symbol -> "Show certificate".
If the data is no longer up to date or you need the hash of your own domain, write to us.