Migration to Nextcloud 15 - Released
We use the update to Nextcloud 15 to completly renew our Backend. This update is one of the biggest in the 6 years anniversary. Unfortunaly this has delayed things. We will not update to Nextcloud 14 instead we will go directly to Nextcloud 15:
- Update the server infrastructure (done)
- Update the backend (Plone) version (done)
- Adjustment of the backend (new API) (done)
- Files Retention app needs a release (done)
- Talk app update to version 4.0.0 (done)
- Calendar app update to version 2.1.6 (done)
- Bookmark app update to version 0.14.2 (done)
- Mail app update to version 0.11.0 (done)
- Adjustment of the autoinstallation (done)
- New customers get Nextcloud 15 installed (done)
- Update all customers clouds to the last 13er Version (13.0.7)
- Test the migration of existing customers (done)
- Eat your own Dogfood. Update of our own clouds (done)
- Migraition of all customers (done)
(Todos are sorted by priority)