Upgrade to Nextcloud Hub 22 - Done
New customers get version 22 installed, existing customers are currently being migrated. The status is documented here.
Release notes:
There are no Nextcloud 22 release for the "Preview Generator" app yet, we will update as soon as they are available. However, the apps can be installed and work.
- Release of first bugfix (22.1.1) (Done)
- Update Calendar v2.3.3 (Done)
- Update Deck v1.5.2 (Done)
- Update Mail v1.10.3 (Done)
- Update Talk v12.1.1 (Done)
- Update Contacts v4.0.2 (Done)
- Adjustment of the autoinstallation (Done)
- New customers get Nextcloud 22.1.1 installed (Done)
- Update all customer clouds to the latest Nextcloud 21 version (Done)
- Eat your own Dogfood. Update of our own clouds (Done)
- Test migration of existing customers (Done)
- Create info page/email for customers to update to Nextcloud Hub (Done)
- Update Groupfolders Version 10 (Done)
- Update Previewgenerator (Github)
- Migrate all existing customers / send an information email before updating (100 %)
(The todos are sorted by priority)