Upgrade to Nextcloud Hub 3 - Done
In two weeks: Nextcloud Hub 3 will be released, we are already working on the upgrade and are very excited about the impressive new features.
This page is continuously updated, the upgrade progress can be tracked below.
Noteable new Features
We will create a summary of the most important features shortly.
In the meantime, the blog post on Nextcloud.com is very interesting.
Notes for the Update
- The app Twofactor U2F has been replaced by Twofactor Webauthn.
- The app Videoplayer has been replaced by Viewer.
Upgrade process
- Wait for the first bugfix release (25.0.1) (not needed)
- Update Talk v15.0.1 (Done)
- Update Calendar v4.0.2 (Done)
- Update Mail v2.0.3 (Done)
- Update Contacts v5.0.1 (Done)
- Update Twofactor Webauthn v1.0.0 (Done)
- Update Richdocuments v7.0.1 (Done)
- Update Polls v4.0.0 (Done)
- Update Forms v3.0.1 (Done)
- Update Collectives v2.0.0 (Done)
- Activation of the test drive function. Interested users can test Nextcloud 25. (Done)
- New customers get Nextcloud Hub 3 installed. (Done)
- Update all customer clouds to the latest Nextcloud 24 Version (Done)
- Update Nextcloud Spreed Signaling Server v1.0.0 (Done)
- Eat your own Dogfood. Update our own cloud (Done)
- Test migration of existing customers (Done)
- Adapting Portknox Admin App to dark theme (Done)
- Create info page for customers about the update to Nextcloud Hub 3 (Done)
- Migrate all existing customers / send an information email before updating (Done)
(The todos are sorted by priority. Successfully completed task are marked with (Done))