Upgrade to Nextcloud Hub 19 - Done


  • We usually wait for the first bugfix release 19.0.1 (skipped*)
  • Update Talk App 9.0.1 (done)
  • Update Deck App 1.0.3 (done)
  • Update Calendar App 2.0.3 (done)
  • Update Contacts App 3.0.3 (done)
  • Update all customers clouds to the last version of Nextcloud 18 (done)
  • Adjustment of the autoinstallation (done)
  • New customers get Nextcloud 19.0.0 installed (done)
  • Eat your own Dogfood. Update of our own clouds (done)
  • Test the migration of existing customers (done)
  • We noticed a bug regarding Collabora Online (Github) (we have a workaround)
  • Prepare info page regarding the upgrade to Nextcloud Hub (done)
  • Customers get updated with the new space, see the new product page (done)
  • Migraition of all customers / send information email (done)

* Nextcloud version 19 is stable enough and all our apps are working.