Upgrade to Nextcloud Hub 8 (Version 29) - In Planung

Nextcloud Hub 8 was released on 24.4.2024. Customers can follow the progress of the launch at Portknox here.

Noteable new Features

Notes for the Update

  • We will have to remove the Markdown app as it has not been updated to Nextcloud 29 (Github)
  • The News App UI does not work with Nextcloud 28 & 29. We will install an alpha version, but it doesn't have all the features yet (Github)
  • The Photospheres app has no update yet. (Github)
  • The QOwnNotesAPI also has no update yet (Github)

Upgrade process

  • Activation of the test drive function. Interested customer can test Nextcloud 29.0 (Done)
  • Adjustment of the autoinstallation. (Done)
  • Update Contacts App auf v6.0 (Done)
  • Update News App auf 25.0.0 (Done)
  • Update Photospheres App 1.29 (Done)
  • New customers get Nextcloud Hub 8 installed (Done)
  • Update all customer clouds to the latest Nextcloud 28 Version (Done)
  • Eat your own Dogfood. Update our own cloud (Done)
  • Test migration of existing customers (Done)
  • Create information page for customers about Nextcloud update (Todo)
  • Migrate all existing customers / send information email before upgrade (Todo)
  • Release of the Nextcloud Assistant 2.0 (Todo)

(The todos are sorted by priority. Successfully completed tasks are marked with (Done))