FAQ - frequenty asked questions - We'll give answers.
How can I work with office files in my cloud?
Every cloud can be extended with Collabora Online. With this add-on you and your team can work together on office documents.
What backups are available with Portknox?
Here you can find all information about backup and recovery of your data.
What is Portknox Disaster Recovery?
Portknox Disaster recovery is a nightly database and config backup that is stored in the file area of your own cloud.
What are the user and memory limits for Professional/Multi?
I have booked ownAdmin Multi, how do the user/storage limits (quotas) work?
Portknox is built on OpenSource software, where can I get the source code?
Portknox uses Nextcloud, the code can be downloaded without charge at Nextcloud.com. It is licensed under AGPL.
What does "real private cloud" mean?
What makes Portknox unique: In contrast to other Nextcloud hosting providers Portknox offers every customer a separated installation which is completely isolated from the clouds of other customers. Furthermore, every customer gets an own URL.
How can I delete my account (and all my files)?
Use our Right to be Forgotten form.
New Portknox customer – how do I get started?
Here you will find all information about your new Portknox cloud.
I have forgotten my password, how to get a new one?
Use this link to reset your https://<youraccount>.portknox.net/index.php/lostpassword/
What are the TURN / STUN servers?
Details regarding the free of charge STUN / Turn server of Portknox
Data Processing Agreement (GDPR)
Do you use your Portknox Nextcloud for business? Then our data processing agreement might be important for you.
How do I change the start-app of my cloud?
After login the files app get loaded by default. This can be changed.
How long does the installation of my cloud take?
Usually a installation takes 5 minutes. You will get a welcome email with your logins and the invoice attached.